Geometry wars 3 review
Geometry wars 3 review

geometry wars 3 review
  1. Geometry wars 3 review full#
  2. Geometry wars 3 review series#

Dimensions’ biggest new addition right out of the gate is a fifty-level campaign. It kickstarted a twin-stick shooter revolution, spawned one of the best sequels I’ve ever played, and then disappeared along with the developers, after the (under-rated, actually) arcade-racer, Blur. Slick, vibrant visuals that sparkle as much as they purposefully dazzle, mixed with tight controls, score-attack gameplay that eventually evolved (see what I did there?) into a leaderboard chasing alleyway with a violent dead end, save for the most skilled to brag about.

Geometry wars 3 review series#

Geometry Wars is a series based on arcade perfection. In fact, let’s not think about that, because we don’t want to start dwelling on what is, was, or could have been for that series, either.Ī quick catch up, then. Or, yeah, I guess my excitement got the better of me.īut let’s think about that for a moment, because that’s a really important thing to remember: I (and many others, I’d wager) are excited for a new game in a series that started out life as a bonus for Project Gotham Racing 2. So yeah, cheers for that. Well, it’s either that, or Geometry Wars 3 is a lot tougher than the previous games. I didn’t even realise it, actually, so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Lucid Games and Sierra a bunch for making me realise I’m not the spry youngster with lightning-quick reactions I once was. However, it does manage to reinvigorate the Geometry Wars name as it takes the best elements from the franchise and adds an array of new tweaks to bring it into the next-generation.Age has not been kind to me.

geometry wars 3 review

If you are looking for a revolutionary new take on the genre then this may not be what you are looking for. If you are looking for a twin-stick shooter that will keep you and your couch friends occupied then this is it. The only real standout is the adventure mode which is an entertaining and fun aspect that can be revisited multiple times. It borrows a few ideas from popular titles in the genre, like the aforementioned Super Stardust HD. It manages to do so with content but not a whole lot of new innovations. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions ended up accomplishing what it set out to do, live up to the franchise and deliver an experience that fans would enjoy. While most levels still keep the top down perspective, the cylindrical levels and those that are more ‘open’ are very welcome as they offer some much needed variety to the play area.

Geometry wars 3 review full#

As you progress, you will see influences from titles like Super Stardust HD such as the ability to traverse globe-like surfaces in full 360 degrees.

geometry wars 3 review

The game itself has evolved due to other twin-stick titles on the market. The gameplay has stayed true to the Geometry Wars, ‘twin-stick shooter’ aspect in every way, only the implementation has changed. The developers could have simply released Classic Mode as Geometry Wars 3 and fans would have been happy, but there’s still more.

geometry wars 3 review

All of the game types add a lot of gameplay especially with the online leaderboards. Finally there is the Pacifist game type, which has the player avoid enemies while running through gates that clear the board. Then there is Waves which is one of the more interesting modes where you will fight off waves of enemies with a countdown timer that only goes up when you complete a set. Other game types within classic, are a king of the hill type mode simply dubbed King, and a mode with three lives named Evolved. For example, one has you fighting the clock, scoring as much as you can. It is made up of game types within classic mode that are based on different rule sets. Couch co-op is also included for when you have friends over who want to join in on the fun.Ĭlassic mode is a makeup of the best elements of the previous two entries in the franchise, with a few twists thrown in. Solo modes feature a lot of replay value while multiplayer offers various unique spins on twin-stick shooters as two person teams take on a single goal, or each other. The game is broken down into solo and multiplayer modes. Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions’s biggest strength is the fact that it is packed to the gills with content.

Geometry wars 3 review